Pinch Analysis Applied to Atmospheric Distillation Column
ISSN: 2708-2989

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Pinch technology
Heat Exchangers

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FUMUASSUCA, D. S.; DOS SANTOS, M.; CHIVANGA BARROS, A. A. Pinch Analysis Applied to Atmospheric Distillation Column . Angolan Mineral, Oil & Gas Journal, v. 1, n. 1, p. 11-15, 6 May 2020.


To increase the efficiency of industrial processes, mainly in petroleum refineries, the strategies to energy optimization are being developed. Thus, there is a need to know the energy consumption analysis in term of loss level and to define the procedure to recovery that. The analyses involve the flow rate study, based on energy balances that define the best strategy to use the energy, with the installation of heat exchanger networks. With the use of this procedure, we can reduce the operational costs, associated with a reduction of the level energy consumption. The study developed here was related to refinery atmospheric distillation column, using pinch technology, based on energy conservation law. The pre-flash, atmospheric distillation column and heat exchangers networks were evaluated in this study. The dates used in this study were collected from Angolan refinery, during 30 days and the results were used to mass and energy balances. Previously, the flow sheet process and established the relations between the operational parameters in industrial equipment were evaluated. The results from energy balances were used to integration study, supported by the pinch analysis using spreadsheet software, and the dates showed as composite, great composite and cascade curves. For this, were used the heat exchanger battery based on pinch analysis, to make the new networks of energy integration. After the assessment of each network with 4 to 12 heat exchangers, it was optimized to know that one with better energy consumption. The new network proposed is evaluated in term of reduction of energy consumption, minor number of heat exchangers and networks optimization. As a result of this methodology, we can see the reduction of energy consumption of 785,4 KW (utility) and 1277,1 KW (cold), respectively. On other hand, the optimization strategy adopted here allowed increase the temperature to 301ºC.


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