The stratigraphic architecture of the deep to upper sedimentary processes and reservoir geometry in Angola margin was well displayed in Cabo Ledo area. During the Cenozoic time, the eastern part of the Kwanza basin was submitted to an overall uplift that led to the continentalization of the domain and the outcropping of slope to deep sea deposits along well exposed coastal cliffs. This so called Inner Kwanza basin represents an exceptional area to calibrate and accurate the sedimentary architecture of the time-equivalent turbidite complexes imaged on seismic and drillholes from the deep offshore. In particular, in the central domain, the series is slightly tilted toward the north showing an overall shallowing upward sequence from Oligocene lower slope to Miocene shelf deposits. On this area, the turbidite deposits display two mains stratigraphic architectures clearly linked to the geodynamic of the margin. In the South from Cabo de São Braz to Cabo Ledo, the Oligocene to Lower Miocene series corresponds to a lower slope channel-levee network clearly controlled by the growth of diapirs. Constructional and erosional systems are both visible with typical facies assemblages, including mass-transported deposits linked to the destabilization of the flanks of the diapirs. The channel margins show a peculiar bioclastic sandstone facies intensely burrowed by Thalassinoïdes and Ophiomorpha, which indicate carbonate sand cascading from the shelf edge and partial colonization by conveyed resistant fauna.
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