The Chemical Characterization of Frying Oil Biodiesel and Relation with the Oxidation Stability


Biodiesel, Frying oil, Oxidation stability, Short chain acids.

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VALNICE MOTTA, V.; SIMIONATTO, E. L.; RIVA SCHARF, D.; WIGGERS, V. R.; CHIARELLO, L. M.; MEIER, H. F. The Chemical Characterization of Frying Oil Biodiesel and Relation with the Oxidation Stability . Angolan Mineral, Oil & Gas Journal, v. 3, n. 3, p. 26-34, 1 Sep. 2022.


The production of biodiesel from renewable sources is an important energy alternative to petroleum diesel. Even as the use of frying oil for biodiesel production is an environmentally-friendly alternative. However, the oxidation stability is one of the properties that can affect the performance of a fuel. Thus, this work investigates the components responsible for this low oxidative stability. For this, biodiesels from soybean oil and frying oil were produced and analyzed according to methods determined by the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). The results obtained were related to oxidation stability and show the influence of free fatty acids on the quality of frying oil biodiesel. When the sample presents short chain acids in the composition, as acetic and butyric acids, it can influence negatively the oxidation stability, reducing upon to 99.7%. In addition, it was observed that the caprylic, capric and lauric acids found in frying oil biodiesel contributed to the lower oxidation stability.


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