Hydrocarbon exploration in Angola commenced in 1910 with its first oil recovered in 1955. Most of the Angolan oilfields are mature or maturing and some are or may be abandoned due to unprofitable recovery limit beyond the conventional type of oil production. The oil recovery is mainly by primary and secondary recovery methods. Apart from the issue of maturity, there is increasing energy demand due to population growth and difficulties in discovering and developing new fields as alternatives to the current oilfields. For incremental and sustained production rate of these fields and in addition to instability of oil prices and concerns about future oil supply, Angola has started to work towards developing affordable and efficient technologies capable of recovering residual oil in reservoirs as well as extend the life of many current fields which can be achieved through the implementation of enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Therefore, this paper discusses the EOR planning strategy from project selection, project implementation and optimization, and field abandonment. It further highlights the mutual benefits that may be derived from a cross-collaboration between the government and other stakeholders in Angola.
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